Case Study Series on Changing Quitline Eligibility Criteria
Source: North American Quitline Consortium
Case Study/Profile | September 2019

As of July 2017, North Carolina changed quitline eligibility limiting services for insured callers to one coaching call and no NRT. Uninsured, Medicaid and Medicare callers are eligible to receive 4 coaching calls and NRT. Uninsured callers can receive up to 8 weeks of combination NRT therapy (i.e., nicotine patches and nicotine gum or lozenges); Medicaid and Medicare callers receive a 2-week starter kit of combination NRT therapy; and Medicaid callers can receive a standing order for an additional 12 weeks of combination NRT therapy fillable at a pharmacy. These case studies of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Utah showcase each state’s eligibility criteria, rationale, key considerations for making changes to criteria, how changes were implemented, challenges, and successes.

Posted: October 2019

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